Monday, August 10, 2020

Sanskrit Class 12 NCERT Solutions Bhaswati Chapter 2 न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि

August 10, 2020

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit Bhaswati Chapter 2 न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि is provided here according to the latest NCERT (CBSE) guidelines. Students can easily access the solutions which include important chapter questions and detailed explanations provided by our experts. Students can further clear all their doubts and also get better marks in the exam. 

With these solutions, students will be able to understand each topic clearly and at the same time prepare well for the exams.

Get CBSE class 12 Sanskrit NCERT solutions for Bhaswati chapter 2 न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि below . These solutions consist of answers to all the important questions in NCERT book chapter 2.

1. एकपदेन उत्तरत - 

(क) अयं पाठ: कस्मात् ग्रन्थात् संकलित:?  

(ख) बुद्धचरितस्य रचयिता कः अस्ति?  

(ग) नृणां वरः कः अस्ति?  

(घ) अश्वपृष्ठात् कः अवातरत्?  

(ङ) स्नापयत्रिव चक्षुषा प्रीतः कम् अब्रवीत्?


(क) 'बुद्धचरितम्' महाकाव्यात्

(ख) अश्वघोष: 

(ग) सिद्धार्थ: 

(घ) सिद्धार्थ: 

(ङ) छन्दकम्

2. पूर्णवाक्येन उत्तरत - 

( क ) स्वजनस्य विपर्यये का स्थितिः भवति ? 

( ख ) महाबाहुः संतप्तमनसे किं ददौ ? 

( ग ) बुद्धः किमर्थं तपोवनं प्रविष्टः ? 

( घ ) त्वं कीदृशं मां न शोचितुमर्हसि ? 

( ङ ) कस्मिन् सति कस्य अकालः नास्ति ?


( क ) विपर्यये स्वजनः भूयिष्ठं जनीभवति । 

( ख ) महाबाहुः सन्तप्तमनसे भूषणानि ददौ । 

( ग ) बुद्धः जरामरणनाशार्थं तपोवनं प्रविष्टः । 

( घ ) त्वम् अभिनिष्क्रान्तं मां न शोचितुमर्हसि । 

( ङ ) जीविते चञ्चले सति धर्मस्य अकालः नास्ति ।

3. अधोलिखितेषु सन्धि कुरुत 

त्यागात् + न , 

च + एव , 

विश्लेषः + तस्मात् , 

न + अस्नेहेन , 

बहुशः + नृपः 

उत्तराणि - 

त्यागान्न , 

चैव , 

विश्लेषस्तस्मात् , 

नास्नेहेन , 

बहुशो नृपः ।

4. अधोलिखितेषु प्रकृतिप्रत्ययविभागं कुरुत - 

सुप्तः , विश्रान्तः , दृष्ट्वा , अवतीर्य , भूयिष्ठम् , आदाय , विज्ञाप्यः , वाच्यम्

उत्तराणि - 

सुप्तः - स्वप् + क्त । 

विश्रान्तः - वि + श्रम् + क्त । 

दृष्ट्वा - दृश् + क्त्वा । 

अवतीर्य - अव + तृ + क्त्वा > ल्यप् । 

भूयिष्ठम् - बहु + इष्ठन् ( बहु = भू + युक् + इष्टन् ) ।

आदाय - आ + दा + क्त्वा > ल्यप् । 

विज्ञाप्यः - वि + ज्ञा + णिच् + पुक् + यत् । 

वाच्यम् - ब्रू ( वच् ) + ण्यत् । 

5. अपोलिखितश्लोकयो हिन्दी / आइलभाषया अनुवादः कार्यः 

( क ) प्रकटावदीपकर्माण मणिमादाय भास्वरम् । 

         मुवन्यापयमिदं तस्थी सादित्या इव मन्दरः ।। 

अनुवाद - मकट से दीपक का काम ( प्रकाश ) करने वाली चमकीली मणि को लेकर इस वाक्य को बोलते हुए सिद्धार्थ सूर्य से युत्ता गन्दर पर्वत को भौति स्थित हो गए । 

( ख ) जरामरणनाशार्य प्रविष्टोऽस्मि तपोवनम् ।

         न खलु स्वर्गतर्षण नास्नेहन न मन्युना ।।


अनुवाद - ( मैं सिद्धार्थ ) सुतापे और मृत्य के विनाश के लिए तपोवन में प्रविष्ट हुआ है । निश्चय ही में न स्वर्ग की इच्छा से , न दुःख के कारण अधबा स्नेह ( प्याए न मिलने के कारण और न ही कोच के कारण ( तपोवन में प्रविष्ट हुआ हूँ । ) ।

6. ' न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि ' इति पाठस्य सारांशः मातृभाषया लेखनीयः ।

उत्तरम् - ' न त्यं शोधितुमासि ' पाठ का सारांश ' 


न त्वं शोचितुमासि ' शीर्षक युक्त पाठ महाकवि अश्वघोष द्वारा विरचित महाकाव्य ' बुद्धचरितम् ' से संकलित है । जब सिद्धार्थ महाभिनिष्कमण के लिए गृहत्याग करते हैं , तब सारथी छन्दक उन्हें भार्गव ऋषि के आश्रम तक पहुंचाता है।

मनुष्य - श्रेष्ठ सिद्धार्थ सूर्योदय के मुहूर्त भर बाद भार्गव ऋषि के आश्रम में पहुंचे । उस आश्रम में हरिण विश्वासपूर्वक सो रहे धे , पक्षी निर्भयतापूर्वक वृक्षों पर बैठे हुए थे और यके हुए से लग रहे सिद्धार्य उस आश्रम को देखकर मानो धन्य हो गए । वे शिष्टाचार का पालन करते हुए घोड़े की पीठ से उत्तरे । उन्होंने घोड़े की पीठ थपथपायी और प्रेम भरी दृष्टि से देखते हुए सारथी छन्दक की स्वामिभक्ति की प्रशंसा करने लगे । उन्होंने कहा कि उन्नति में तो सब साथ देते हैं परन्तु मुसीबत में तो अपने भी मुंह मोड़ लेते हैं ।

तत्पश्चात् उन्होंने सारथी छन्दक की स्वामिभक्ति से प्रसन्न होकर वियोग के कारण दुःखी मन वाले छन्दक को अपने आभूषण उतार कर दे दिए । मुकुट से मणि निकालकर गम्भीरतापूर्वक ये छन्दक से कहने लगे कि हे छन्दक ! तुम महाराज को प्रणाम करके तया यह मणि भेंट करके उनके सन्ताप को दूर करने के लिए यह कहना कि मैंने बुढापे और मृत्यु से मुक्ति पाने के लिए तपोवन में प्रवेश किया है , अन्य किसी कारण से नहीं । अतः अभिनिष्क्रमण किए हुए मेरे लिए वे शोक न करें । 

यद्यपि हमारा मिलन चिरकाल के उपरान्त होगा परन्तु में ऐसा उपाय करूँगा जिससे बार - बार काल ( मृत्यु ) से मिलन नहीं होगा । मने मोक्ष पाने का दृढ़ निश्चय किया है , जिससे स्वजनों से फिर वियोग न हो । यद्यपि मैंने अनुचित समय ( असमय ) पर वनगमन किया है परन्तु इस चञ्चल जीवन में धर्म के लिए कोई भी समय अनुचित नहीं है । 

है प्रिय छन्दक ! तुम इस प्रकार के वचन कहकर महाराज के समक्ष निवेदन करना और ऐसा प्रयत्न करना जिससे वे मुझे याद न करें । तुम महाराज के सामने मेरी निर्गुणता का वर्णन करना । क्योंकि निगुणता से स्नेह का त्याग कर दिया जाता है तथा स्नेह का परित्याग करने से व्यक्ति शोक का पात्र नहीं रहता ।

7. रिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत ए

( क ) न त्वं ______ अर्हसि ।

( ख ) स ददर्श ______ आश्रमपदम् । 

( ग ) स विस्मयनिवृत्यर्थं ______ च । 

( च ) जनीभवति भूयिष्ठम् _______ विपर्यये । 

( ड ) अकालः_______ धर्मस्य ।


( क ) न त्वं शोचितुम अर्हसि । 

( ख ) स ददर्श भार्गवस्य आश्रमपदम् । 

( ग ) स विस्ममनिवृत्यर्थ तप . पूजार्थमेव च । 

( घ ) जनीभवति भूयिष्ठम् स्वजनोऽपि विपर्यये । 

( ङ ) अकालः नास्ति धर्मस्य ।

8. विशेष्य - विशेषणयोः योजनं कुरुत - 

( क ) भास्करे 

( ख ) जनः 

( ग ) मणिम् 

( घ ) जीविते 

( ड ) माम्

( i ) अभिमुखः 

( ii ) भास्वरम्

( iii ) जगच्चक्षुपि 

( iv ) अभिनिष्कान्तम् 

( v ) चञ्चले 


( क ) भास्करे ( iii ) जगच्चक्षुषि

( ख ) जनः ( i ) अभिमुखः 

( ग ) मणिम् ( ii ) भास्वरम् 

( घ ) जीविते ( v ) चञ्चले 

( ङ ) माम् ( iv ) अभिनिष्क्रान्तम्

9. उदाहरणानुसार विग्रहपदानि आवृत्य समस्तपदानि रचयत

आदित्येन सह - सादित्यः

स्वर्गाय तर्षः - स्वर्गतर्षः

न काल : - अकाल :

महान्तौ बाहू यस्य सः - महाबाहुः

वसुधायाः अधिपः - वसुधाधिपः 

10. अधोलिखितपदानां विपरीतार्यकपदैः मेलनं कुरुत


( क ) सुप्तः

( ख ) अवतीर्य

( ग ) स्वजनः

( घ ) नृपः

( ङ ) ध्रुवः


( क ) चञ्चलः  

( ख ) रंकः

( ग ) जागृतः

( घ ) आरुह्य

( ङ ) परजनः  


पदानि - विपरीतार्यकपदानि 

( क ) सुप्तः - ( ग ) जागृतः

( ख ) अवतीर्य - ( घ ) आरुह्य

( ग ) स्वजनः - ( ङ ) परजनः 

( घ ) नृपः - ( ख ) रंकः 

( ङ ) ध्रुवः - ( क ) चञ्चलः

"bhaswati sanskrit guide class 12"

"bhaswati class 12 solutions chapter 2"

"bhaswati sanskrit book class 12 solutions"

"ncert solutions for class 12 sanskrit"

"bhaswati class 12 guide"

"class 12 sanskrit bhaswati"

"bhaswati sanskrit solutions"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 2"

"bhaswati bhag 2 class 12"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 2 question answer"

"bhaswati ii"

"ncert solutions for class 12 sanskrit"

"class 12 hindi sanskrit chapter 1"

"bhaswati sanskrit book pdf"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 2"

"my ncert solutions"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 5"

"class 12 bhaswati chapter 3"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 4"

"2 sanskrit book"

"class 12 sanskrit syllabus"

"bhaswati sanskrit book class 11"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 3"

"12th class sanskrit guide"

"12th sanskrit study material"

"ncert class 11 sanskrit solutions"

"11th state board sanskrit book pdf"

"11th standard sanskrit digest"

"class 12 sanskrit notes"

"plus one sanskrit notes"

"bhaswati bhag 2 class 12"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 2 question answer"

"bhaswati ii"

"ncert solutions for class 12 sanskrit"

"class 12 hindi sanskrit chapter 1"

"bhaswati sanskrit book pdf"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 2"

"my ncert solutions"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 5"

"class 12 bhaswati chapter 3"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 4"

"2 sanskrit book"

"class 12 sanskrit syllabus"

"bhaswati sanskrit book class 11"

"sanskrit class 12 chapter 3"

"12th class sanskrit guide"

"12th sanskrit study material"

"ncert class 11 sanskrit solutions"

"11th state board sanskrit book pdf"

"11th standard sanskrit digest"

"class 12 sanskrit notes"

"plus one sanskrit notes" 

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sanskrit Class 12 NCERT Solutions Bhaswati Chapter 1 अनुशासनम्

July 14, 2019
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit Bhaswati Chapter 1 अनुशासनम् is provided here according to the latest NCERT (CBSE) guidelines. Students can easily access the solutions which include important chapter questions and detailed explanations provided by our experts. Students can further clear all their doubts and also get better marks in the exam. With these solutions, students will be able to understand each topic clearly and at the same time prepare well for the exams.
Get CBSE class 12 Sanskrit NCERT solutions for Bhaswati chapter 1 अनुशासनम्below. These solutions consist of answers to all the important questions in NCERT book chapter 1.
1 . एकपदेन उत्तरत 
( क ) अयं पाठः कस्माद् ग्रन्थात् संकलित : ? 
( ख ) सत्यात् किं न कर्त्तव्यम् ? 
( ग ) आचार्यः कम् अनुशास्ति ? 
( घ ) स्वाध्याय - प्रवचनाभ्यां किं न कर्त्तव्यम् ? 
( ङ ) अस्माकं कानि उपास्यानि ?

( क ) तैत्तिरीयोपनिषदः 
( ख ) न प्रमदितव्यम् 
( ग ) अन्तेवासिनम् 
( घ ) न प्रमदितव्यम् 
( ङ ) सुचरितानि

2 . पूर्णवाक्येन उत्तरत 
( क ) आचार्यस्य कीदृशानि कर्माणि सेवितव्यानि ? 
( ख ) शिष्यः किं कृत्वा प्रजातन्तुं न व्यवच्छेत्सी : ? 
( ग ) शिष्याः कर्मविचिकित्सा विषये कथं वर्तेरन् ? 
( घ ) काभ्यां न प्रमदितव्यम् ? 
( ङ ) ब्राह्मणाः कीदृशः स्युः ?

( क ) आचार्यस्य अनवद्यानि कर्माणि सेवितव्यानि । 
( ख ) शिष्यः आचार्याय प्रियं धनम् आहत्य प्रजातन्तुं मा व्यवच्छेत्सीत् । 
( ग ) शिष्याः कर्मविचिकित्सा विषये तथा वर्तेरन् यथा संमर्शिनः , युक्ताः , आयुक्ताः , अलूक्षाः , धर्मकामाः च ब्राह्मणाः वर्तेरन् । 
( घ ) स्वाध्याय - प्रवचनाभ्यां न प्रमदितव्यम् ।  
( ङ ) ब्राह्मणाः संमर्शिनः , युक्ताः , आयुक्ताः , अलूक्षाः , धर्मकामाः च स्यः । 

3 रिक्तस्वानपूर्ति कुरुत - | 
( क ) वेदमनूच्याचाय ______ अनुशास्ति। 
( ख ) सत्य ______ धर्म ______ ।
( ग ) यान्यनवद्यानि ______ तानि सेवितव्यानि । 
( च ) यया ते तत्र वर्तेरन् ______ ।
( इ ) एषा _______ ।

( क ) अन्लेवासिनम् 
( ख ) वद , चर  
( ग ) कर्माणि 
( घ ) तथा तत्र वर्तथाः 
( ङ ) वेदोपनिषत्

4 . मातृभाषया व्याख्यायेताम् ---
( क ) देवपितृकार्याभ्यां न प्रमदितव्यम् । 
व्याख्या - देवों और पितरों के कार्यों से प्रमाद नहीं करना चाहिए । अर्चन - पूजन - स्तुतिगान आदि देवकार्य होते हैं । शिष्य को चाहिए कि वह नित्यप्रति देवताओं की पूजा - अर्चना करे । प्रातः साँय संध्या - वन्दन आदि करके अपने इष्टदेवों के प्रति श्रद्धाभाव रखकर अपने जीवन को सार्थक एवम् सुखमय बनाए । इसी प्रकार शिष्य पितृकार्यों से भी प्रमाद न करे । श्राद्ध - तर्पण आदि  पितृकार्य कहलाते हैं । शिष्य को चाहिए कि वह अपने पितरों का यथासमय श्राद्ध आदि सम्पन्न करे एवम् उन्हें तर्पण आदि  समर्पित करे ताकि उसके पितर सद्गति को प्राप्त हों और वह पितृ - ऋण से मुक्त हो जाए । 

( ख ) यान्यनवद्यानि कर्माणि तानि सेवितव्यानि । 
व्याख्या - जो अनिन्दनीय काम हैं , उनका सेवन करना चाहिए । ‘ अनवद्यानि ' शब्द का अर्थ है - अनिन्दनीय अथात् जो निन्दा के योग्य न हों अथवा प्रशंसनीय । संसार में दो तरह के कार्य होते हैं - एक तो वे जिनकी लोग प्रशंसा करते हैं अथवा लोग  जिन्हें अच्छे कार्य मानते हैं और दूसरे वे जिनकी लोग निन्दा करते हैं अथवा लोग जिन कार्यों को बुरा मानते हैं । शिष्य को चाहिए कि वह उन्हीं कार्यों को करे, जिन्हें संसार में अच्छा माना जाता है ।

5 . अधोनिर्दिष्टपदानां समानार्थकपदानि कोष्ठकात् चित्वा लिखत 
( क ) अनूच्य 
( ख ) संविदा 
( ग ) हिया 
( घ ) अलूक्षा 
( ङ ) उपास्यम् 
( सद्भावनया , सम्बोध्य , लज्जया , अनुपालनीयम् , अरुक्षा )

( क ) सम्बोध्य 
( ख ) सद्भावनया 
( ग ) लज्जया 
( घ ) अरुक्षा 
( ङ ) अनुपालनीयम्

6 . विपरीतार्थकपदैः योजयत - 
( क ) सत्यम् - असत्यम्
( ख ) धर्मम्  - अधर्मम्
( ग ) श्रद्धया - अश्रद्धया
( घ ) अवद्यानि - अनवद्यानि
( ङ ) लूक्षाः - अलूक्षा

7 . अधोनिर्दिष्टेषु पदेषु प्रकृति - प्रत्यय - विभागं कुरुत - प्रमदितव्यम् , अनवद्यम् , उपास्यम् , अनुशासनम् । 
उत्तराणि - 
प्रमदितव्यम् - प्र + Vमद् + तव्यत् । 
उपास्यम् - उप + आस् + यत् । 
अनवद्यम् - नञ् + नञ् + Vवद् + यत् । 
अनुशासनम् - अनु + शास् + ल्युट् ।

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Download sui dhaaga: made in India full movie full HD free

October 21, 2018
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Sui Dhaaga: Made In India  is a 2018 Indian Hindi-language social drama film directed by Sharat Katariya and produced by Maneesh Sharma under the banner of Yash Raj Films. It stars Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma as a young couple in rural India who start their own small-scale clothing business. Principal photography began in the town of ChanderiMadhya Pradesh in February 2018 and the film was theatrically released on 28 September 2018.

Mauji (Varun Dhawan),an incompetently illiterate young man, has inconvenient work and individual life. His boss treats him like a dog, his father never stops cursing him, and he has not even touched his wife Mamta's (Anushka Sharma) hand despite being married for years due to lack of space at home. But he always carries himself with a big smile despite facing odds.
Although he appears to be a useless man, Mauji is a champion in the art of tailoring, which his father(Raghuvir Yadav) believes to be a disadvantageous mode of occupation. However, being fed-up of licking his boss' boots and getting motivation from Mamta, Mauji decides to self-employ himself and set off with his sewing machine. Although his parents are strictly against his decision, Mauji receives constant support from his wife, and in no time, the couple sees positive results.The couple faces a lot of hardships due to their innocence and family responsibilities. Mauji and Mamta fight back.
  • Varun Dhawan as Mauji, a tailor
  • Anushka Sharma as Mamta, an embroiderer
  • Raghubir Yadav as Mauji's father
  • Yamini Das as Mauji's mother
  • Sawan Tank as Jugnu (Mauji's brother)
  • Manukriti Pahwa as Jugnu's wife
  • Sidharth Bhardwaj as Bansal
  • Ashish Verma as Prashant
  • Namit Das as Guddu
  • Bhupesh Singh as Naushad
  • Pooja Sarup as Harleen Bedi

Sab badhiya hai:

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Download namaste england full movie full hd free

October 21, 2018
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Namaste England  is a 2018 Bollywood romantic comedy film directed and co-produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah. The film is the sequel to 2007 film Namastey London. The film stars Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra in lead roles besides Aditya Seal and Alankrita Sahai in supporting roles. The principal shoot of the film began on 23 February 2018 in AmritsarPunjab. It was released worldwide on 18 October 2018. It is the lowest rated movie on IMDb with rating of 1.2.


Param (Arjun Kapoor), a young guy studied from an agricultural university and is interested in farming lives in a small village of Punjab. He is a fun loving guy with a caring nature. During Dusshera, he goes to see Visarjan with his friends where he happens upon Jasmeet (Parineeti Chopra) and falls for her. Jasmeet is a young, ambitious and educated girl. But she can't work as her grandfather and elder brother are against it. According to them, the duty of a woman is to get married, give birth to children and raise them well. Jasmeet can't go against their decision but still dreams to be independent, to get a job and marry a guy who is caring and can understand her well. After their first meeting, Param and Jasmeet meet several times at several occasions. Jasmeet begins to like Param. To get close to her, Param makes a plan and asks one of his friends to get married to one of Jasmeet's friends. At the time of the wedding, Param and Jasmeet spend time together and get to know each other. After several meetings, they express their love for each other. Param helps Jasmeet to work in a jewellery shop in the city thrice a week. But soon, her grandfather finds out about this and begins to search for a suitable match for her. Param convinces his father to send a marriage proposal to Jasmeet's family. Jasmeet's grandpa happily agrees but on a condition. He requests Param's father that Jasmeet should not work after marriage. Param asks his friend Gurpreet to approve his visa as he wants to go honeymoon in Switzerland. Soon they get married but during the wedding ceremony, Gurpreet misbehaves with Param's father. Param slaps him and insults him in front of everyone. Gurpreet is humiliated and vows to make sure that Param never gets a visa. One year later, they're still trying to get a visa but fail. Jasmeet expresses her extreme desire to settle down in London, England. She meets her school friend Harpreet who lives in London. She gives Jasmeet the address of an illegal immigrant officer (Satish Kaushik) who can help them to reach London. Param meets him and he offers a weird offer to Param which makes him angry and he leaves the place. Param reveals to Jasmeet that the officer suggested him to get married to a British citizen to get visa. After that he can remarry to Jasmeet and can settle down in London. Hearing this, Jasmeet immediately goes there with him and tells the officer that she is ready for it. Param gets shocked hearing this and refuses. Jasmeeet tries to make him understand but in vain. Param then goes to Gurpreet and tells him he is ready to apologize in front of everyone. Gurpreet says he forgave Param but Param's father has to apologize to him. Param doesn't agree. Soon the officer informs Jasmeet that he has a client, Sam (Aditya Seal) who has a British citizenship and if she marries him, she can get a citizenship. He also tells her to hide her marital status from Sam. She meets Sam and he tells her that he has to marry an Indian girl to make his grandpa happy who is counting his last days. She also reveals that she wants to do all this to get a citizenship. They promise each other that they are doing this for their own interest and will not make any other relation. Jasmeet lies to Param that she got a job in London. Param believes her and makes all arrangements. He also convinces her grandpa. At the airport, she reveals the truth to him. He is shocked and Jasmeet goes to London without him. Soon, Param realizes that he cannot live without Jasmeet. He goes to that officer and offers him a lot of money to reach London by any means. The officer makes all arrangements and he reaches London after many struggles. There he meets a Pakistani illegal immigrant (Anil Mange) who offers him a place to stay. He followed Jasmeet and reaches a restaurant. There he introduces himself as Jasmeet's neighbour. He meets Alisha (Alankrita Sahai) who falls for him. He tries to make Jasmeet jealous by getting close to Alisha. But soon he reveals everything to Alisha and asks for her help to get back Jasmeet. He asks her to make fake marry him. He believes Jasmeet will realize her mistake and will happily return to India with him. Alisha agrees to this proposal but puts a condition that if Jasmeet doesn't agree, Param has to marry her. On the other hand, Sam's grandpa passes away and Jasmeet took care of him the whole time. This makes Sam fall for Jasmeet. He expresses his desire to maintain the marriage but Jasmeet refuses. This makes him angry and he says that he will not divorce her. Meanwhile Param continues to make Jasmeet jealous and asks for her help in marriage shopping as a part of his drama. They meet Harpreet again and find out that her husband works as a cleaner. Jasmeet begins to realize her mistake slowly. Meanwhile, Sam gets ready to divorce her and arranges a meeting for her citizenship. Param's wedding is on the same day. On that day before the meeting starts, she tells Sam the truth which he already knew. He tells her to go back to Param. After reaching there, Alisha tells her the truth and she meets Param who is ready to surrender to the Indian Embassy. She tells him she doesn't wish to stay in London anymore and will go back to India with him. At the end of the film, they are reunited.
  • Arjun Kapoor as Param
  • Parineeti Chopra as Jasmeet
  • Aditya Seal as Sam
  • Alankrita Sahai as Alisha
  • Anil Mange as Iqbal Khan a Pakistani illegal immigrant
  • Satish Kaushik as Gurnaam an illegal immigrant officer
  • Mallika Dua as Harpreet

Tu Meri main tera:

Kya kahoon janeman: 

Ziddi hai Dil: 

Note: Download this awesome movie for free hd quality for free and remember us. If movie not available then comment below

Download badhaai ho full movie free hd

October 21, 2018
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Badhaai Ho is a 2018 Indian comedy drama film directed by Amit Ravindernath Sharma. The film stars Ayushmann Khurrana and Sanya Malhotra in the lead roles.The Film is produced by Vineet Jain, Hemant Bhandari and Aleya Sen under the banner of Junglee Pictures and Chrome Pictures. It is written by Shantanu Srivastava and Akshat Ghildial.


Nakul (Ayushmann Khurrana), is a 25-year-old guy working in a company and is in a stable relationship with his colleague, Renee (Sanya Malhotra). He also met with her mom Sangeeta (Sheeba Chaddha) who liked him and approved their relationship. His father Jeetender Kaushik (Gajraj Rao), is a middle-aged man working in the Railways. He pays them a visit during the weekend. His mother Priyamvada (Neena Gupta) is a middle-aged typical housewife who looks after the family and gossips with the society's ladies. His younger brother Gullar is a student studying in the twelfth grade. His grandmother (Surekha Sikri) is above eighty and always quarrels with her daughter-in-law and taunts her. She also scolds her son everytime as the latter always listen to his wife. Things were going well but one day, Nakul's granny taunts his mother and the latter gets upset. His father goes to console her and reads her a poem which he wrote for her. After that they get intimate. 19 weeks (about 5 months) later, Nakul's mother becomes ill. She is taken to the hospital. The doctors check her and confirm that they were going to have their third child. They also tell them that if they want to abort the child, they have to do it within 4-5 days. Priyamvada does not agree to abort the child because she thinks that it is a great sin. So she decided to go for it. Kaushik at first hesitates as he feels that it is embarrassing to be a middle-aged parent in the Indian society. He fears that people will make fun of him and his family. He also thinks that his elder children will never accept their Mother's pregnancy. But on Priyamvada's insistence, he agrees. After reaching home, they call both the elder children and are finally able to tell them that they are becoming parents again. Hearing this, the two get embarrassed and start to avoid their parents, friends and society. Their grandma also scolded her son and daughter-in-law after hearing this. Soon, the news is made viral and they are made fun of by the society and even by their relatives and family members. Nakul also avoids Renee so she goes to his home and finally gets to know about his problem. Nakul's parents also like her. Nakul's parents ask him and his younger brother to go to Meerut with them for their cousin's wedding. Both of them refuse by making excuses, the truth being that they still were not able to get over the embarrassment of their mom's pregnancy. This makes their father angry at them and he leaves with his wife and mother. Meanwhile, Renee offers a room date to cheer him up. But he is unable to get intimate with her as it reminds him of his mom's pregnancy. Later Renee invites him to her mom's birthday party. This is when her mom gets to know about his mom's pregnancy. She reacts weirdly and speaks ill about his family. Nakul overhears all and it becomes angry. He also realises his fault. He understands that he is not doing the right thing by avoiding his parents and his duty towards the baby. He talks to Renee's mom in a harsh manner and breaks up with Renee. On the other hand in Pune, Kaushik's elder sister-in-law and sister talk harshly with Priyamvada for her late pregnancy, but his mother, for the first time, defends her daughter-in-law and makes them realise their ill-doing and mean attitude towards her. Kaushik comes and controls the situation. This is when Nakul's grandma reveals that she was testing her daughter-in-law all these years. But she had always admired her and she believes that she cannot ever find a better daughter-in-law than her. On the other hand, a guilty, drunk Nakul sees scars on Gullar's face. Gullar reveals that some boys made fun of his mom's pregnancy at school and when he responded to them, one of them hit him. Nakul goes to the school the next day and tells Gullar to beat the boy. Gullar slaps him thrice. Then Nakul goes to meet his friends and when one of them tried to make fun of him, he replies to him as well. He reconciles with his parents and begins to fulfil his duty as a son. Soon his mother realises that he has had a breakup with Renee and she tells him to apologise to Renee's mother. Nakul is not too enthusiastic about the idea but finally agrees. He goes to Renee's house and apologizes to her mother wholeheartedly and also invites her with Renee to his mom's baby shower. Meanwhile, Priyamvada's labour pain starts and they immediately take her to the hospital. Renee's mom tells her about Nakul's apology and also tells her that she has forgiven Nakul. Renee then rushes to Nakul's home and finally to the hospital. After the delivery, the doctor announces the birth of a baby girl. The film ends with a family selfie. As the end credits roll in, Nakul's and Renne's engagement can be seen, with their entire family giving us the feel of a happy ending .


  • Ayushmann Khurrana as Nakul Kaushik
  • Sanya Malhotra as Renee Sharma
  • Neena Gupta as Priyamvada Kaushik
  • Gajraj Rao as Jeetender Kaushik
  • Sheeba Chaddha as Sangeeta Sharma
  • Surekha Sikri  as Dadi
  • Shardul Rana as Gullar Kaushik
  • Rahul Tewari as Junaa

Sajan bade senti:

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